Tuesday, October 26, 2010


It's been so long since I did this I'm not even sure where to start.  
My hat is off to all of you who have persevered in the task and art of blogging.  
You know, the bloom is somewhat off the flower when it comes to this; it's moved on to more immediate and exciting things like "twitter" and "facebook" and
"speed-texting" with Droids (whatever that is), and "I-pads" and who knows what all.  
Heck, I'm still trying to figure out how to make those fancy picture pages that Heather makes.  
But, anyway,  there's been a lot of stuff happening in our lives since the kitchen got finished (I know Viv, when you read this the first thing you're going to say to yourself is, 
"What's he talking about??? 
It's not finished!!!  
Don't forget about painting the kitchen window frame and framing the pantry, and........"
But anyway here's a few things:
1.  I retired (quit) from the financial services industry after 30 years.  I feel light as a feather with no regrets about the decision.
2.  Vivienne and I are true empty-nesters.  For the time being.  It's nice.  But we miss the happy chatter of the grandkids.
3.  We're the proud caretakers of 2 cats.  Who woulda thunk????  I even went out and spent $74 buying them a new heating pad for their house for the winter.    (*&^%$#%&*=-+_*&!!!!!!!!)
4.  I'm driving the bus for Atria Senior Living Center, aka Crosslands Retirement Center.  Things have come full circle.
5.  I played volunteer for the Wendover Air Show in September.  It was lots of fun.
6.  Our rock n' roll band has never sounded better.  It's lot of fun; especially with David in the band.  Our new drummer is Tim Lunt, Doug's Lena's husband (is that clear as mud?)
7.  We replaced the siding and gutters and awning on the house with white vinyl.  It looks great.
8.  We planted 4 new fruit trees.  
9.  I'm getting a mountain bike.  I don't know why; I just want one.
10.  I couldn't think of a tenth thing.  Oh yeah, Vivienne and I decided when we're going on our first mission: September 1, 2012.

Well, that's it for now.  Next time maybe I can figure out how to make one of those cool picture collages like Heather.  Love to all...........Bubba